One tag. Rant.
Every now and then when I’m on the OTN forums, I run into gems like this:
The problem isn’t the question – it’s the “answer” which is both mind-blowingly wrong on so many levels and ends with the usual childish “Gimme points, I crave attention!” footer. I’m not going to go into details on the technical solution since that’s covered in my response to the thread itself, but let me just make one thing clear:
Use content from a presentation like Jeff’s without thinking just to – wrongly – “prove” your point and you will tick me off. Seriously.
Why did Jeff include the 1=1 join option? Did you see that it was an option and not the ultimate answer ® ™? Do you even know what a content level is?
< / rant >
hmmm, someone really rattled your chain 😉 Don't worry, been there, done that ( TAG:shame must admit both sides in my younger years ENDTAG:shame), bought the T-shirt.
gtz John
Hi John,
Long time no hear 🙂
It's logical and ok to miss things when you're starting out. However it's a matter of work- and study-ethics to question the things you learn in order to understand. Without understanding you can never properly transmit that knowledge.
So yes, my chain was rattled but venting once let the over-pressure out of the kettle so to speak.
Hope everythings fine for you and your family.