I’ve had quite some feedback and reactions on this post over various channels on the last days. I’ll leave the original post as it is so you can read through it, but here are the most important takeaways of the back and forth behind the scenes:
a) Reminder: Deprecated doesn’t mean dead. Otherwise I would have said “dead”
b) Oracle reassured me that they won’t just kill a feature without thinking about proposing a replacement
c) They’re probably going to spell all of this out more explicitly in the documentation
Thinking about the support lifecycle of Oracle products each new
release means commencing a 12 months grace period for the “now old”
version. For something like OAS with yearly releases we can therefore
expect a roughly 24months-long timeframe in which we get warned about a
feature change in V1 (month 0), then V2 comes along and the feature goes
away (month 12) and by month 24 we have to move away from V1 and lose
the feature/replace them with something else/do it differently/…. Note
that this is a hypothetical case. I’m not saying these features ARE
going away by V2 of OAS.
And that’s it for the update. Huge thanks for the amazing reactivity of the Oracle Product Management team and Partner Management as well as everybody out there who bombarded me with messages over just about every conceivable channel.