admin, answers, OBI, obiee

Working on a system without full access can often be a pain and prevent you from being able to get information necessary for your work. One of those areas is access to system variables. Good thing is. that bits and pieces are flying around all over the web and can be found for example both Oracle’s own SampleApp or this little gist here from @rmoff.

I’ve started mixing and matching together as much as possible of “things you can potentially get out of the system” without having anything else than Answers access and combined it into a single analysis. You can find the gist here. To put it into your system all you need to do is create a new analysis, copy over the XML and reference any of your Subject Areas (two locations; top and bottom of the file). Doesn’t matter which one as long as it parses correctly. Not a single query against actual data sources is run.



I’ll keep adding to this and expand it with whatever hack I can find to circumvent the pesky “you’re not an Admin” situations.


answers, essbase, mdx, obiee

Fiddling around with some more functional options we’ve all come to know, like and use frequently, I found that “in between” filters in answers requests going against MDX sources (Essbase, MS Analysis server etc) don’t work as expected.

To showcase this, I have created a simple request. Planning and Current numbers by Fiscal Month within Europe. And I’m interested in all months between Q1 2009 and Q4 2009:

Checking the results tab we see that it’s not necessarily what we’d expect:

Doing a full data scroll reveals that basically all Fiscal Month members are being pulled up.

Here’s the MDX from the log:

set [Geo3] as ‘Filter([Geo].Generations(3).members, (([Geo].CurrentMember.MEMBER_ALIAS = “Europe” OR [Geo].CurrentMember.MEMBER_Name = “Europe”)))’
set [Time Period3] as ‘Filter([Time Period].Generations(3).members, ( NOT (([Time Period].CurrentMember.MEMBER_ALIAS < "Q1-09" OR [Time Period].CurrentMember.MEMBER_Name < "Q1-09"))) AND ( NOT (("Q4-09" < [Time Period].CurrentMember.MEMBER_ALIAS OR "Q4-09" < [Time Period].CurrentMember.MEMBER_Name))))'
set [Time Period4] as ‘Generate({[Time Period3]}, Descendants([Time Period].currentmember, [Time Period].Generations(4),SELF), ALL)’
member [Scenario].[MS1] as ‘AGGREGATE(crossjoin {[Geo3]},Scenario.[Current])’, SOLVE_ORDER = 100
member [Scenario].[MS2] as ‘AGGREGATE(crossjoin {[Geo3]},Scenario.[Planned])’, SOLVE_ORDER = 100
{ [Scenario].[MS1],
} on columns,
NON EMPTY {{[Time Period4]}} properties ANCESTOR_NAMES, GEN_NUMBER on rows
from [Sample.Sample]

And here’s the important bit:

set [Time Period3] as ‘Filter([Time Period].Generations(3).members, ( NOT (([Time Period].CurrentMember.MEMBER_ALIAS < "Q1-09" OR [Time Period].CurrentMember.MEMBER_Name < "Q1-09"))) AND ( NOT (("Q4-09" < [Time Period].CurrentMember.MEMBER_ALIAS OR "Q4-09" < [Time Period].CurrentMember.MEMBER_Name))))'

I’ve opened an SR for this since there’s no mentioning on metalink, the release notes or the new features guides.


answers, obiee, web catalog, xml

Recently I was off to change the print options on all of my dashboard pages. Naturally, as with all setting, this is encoded in the XML and can be mass-manipulated by the catalog manager.

Here’s the section in the XML, changed for landscape format, A4 paper size (yes, no weird US sizes ;-)) and explicit exclusion of headers and footers:

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< sawd:dashboardpage sawd="" saw="" xmlversion="200705140" isempty="false" duid="hsdfj3478387bs82" personalselections="true">
< span style="font-weight:bold;">
< saw:pageheader show="false">
< saw:pagefooter show="false">
< /saw:pagefooter>
< /saw:pageheader>
