When going on OTN this morning, I saw something that I hadn’t seen before in the download section of the OBIEE site. CAF?! Hmmm…
Of course I downloaded it (what a question!)…and I couldn’t have had a nicer start for my day! The thing’s called Content Accelerator Framework or in short: “CAF”. Please update your geek brains, section acronyms, accordingly. It basically is a tool for facilitating migration of rpd and webcat objects between environments. Ace!
Direct links to the zip and the pdf documentation here:
Here’s two quick screenshots from the pdf to give you an overview:
Off to trying it out!
Venkat beat me to it…hehe.
Update 2: Really? Guys, we’re not like you and have access to patches before they’re released. 😉
Hi Christi@n,
good to see that the BI blogosphere is jumping right on this (Venkat is also blogging on CAF this morning).
Really interested in whether it keeps the promises in real life.
have fun
Hi @lex,
yeah I saw Venkats post after completing mine and going through the latest updates. Now we're just missing Mark and John (and yourself) to post that so we can cross-link and create an infinite loop that will destroy existence as we know it! < /delirious phase> ;-))
Seriously looking forward to trying it out. If it keeps its promises, this tool will rock.
It’s amazing, because I just had this problem this morning. I was also going to post about something like this. Thanks!@
Let’s hold a contest to see who will be first with the release. (My money is on Venkat, he is in the right timezone…)
🙂 John
Hi John,
as much as I’d like to take on that challenge, I’d say Venkat as well.
Did I win?
😉 John
Hi John,
yes, you did! No other posts on the horizon yet.
Now get off your laptop and enjoy Saturday 😉
Cheers and thanks for the update,
CAF utility only requires OBI EE to run. Actually, some of the features should even work with (not tested).
There is a typo in the doc/ppt that says it requires Apologies for this poor typo and the mis-information.
Hi Philippe,
Don’t know whether you’re reading this, but I haven’t managed to make it run under Is there any special config needed?
Unfortunately blogger doesn’t let me send messages to your account.
Christian, sorry for not seeing this earlier. If your issue is still open, here is some info that may help :
1) OBI EE supports CAF, with Java Sdk 1.6 on it (you need to make sure the path variable on your machine points to the right sdk).
2) for potential install troubles, try the following procedure :
1 – close catalog manager on your machine and stop all the catalog manager processes from your windows task manager (including Java processes)
2 – physically remove the file com.siebel.analytics.web.catalogmanager_1.0.0.jar from its location. (..OracleBIwebcatalogmanagerplugins). Ideally, delete that file, or else zip it somewhere far enough from OBI directories structure)
3 – try to open Catalog manager, it should fail. This step is to confirm you setup is not able to access the old Jar anymore.
4 – run the install bat for CAF.
Please let me know if that does not solve your install issues (philippe.lions@oracle.com).